Comments They connect in the channel settings; how to connect is described in the article “How to enable comments in Telegram and use the functionality to benefit the channel.” They are needed to receive feedback from subscribers, engage the audience in communication and maintain high activity and interest in the channel. Reactions. Also connected in the channel settings. You can connect everything by default or select a specific set. Read more about this in the article “How to set up a channel in Telegram: instructions.” Is it possible to promote a telegram channel in 2023 for free? Free methods will help you promote.
Telegram from scratch, but up to a certain level. They work well for recruiting the first audience and as a complement to effective paid methods of promotion. Mostly free methods are based on inviting friends and distributing links: Referring friends. You can add your first Web Development Services subscribers, up to 200 people, from your Telegram contacts list. You can invite other friends using external links in private messages on social networks and by talking about the channel in posts. To give users an incentive to click on the link, tell them why your channel is interesting and useful, offer some kind of bonus for clicking - for example, a checklist from an expert or a selection of training materials.
Distributing links through your profiles on social networks and other resources. Wherever you are present in the media space, mention the telegram channel and provide a link to it. This will help you promote your Telegram channel from scratch and subsequently attract traffic to it from other sites. Therefore, even when you start using paid methods, do not forget to continue to talk about your channel wherever you can. Mutual PR. Find a channel on a related topic with an audience of approximately the same size and quality and invite the administrator to exchange mentions.